Mason & Chloe's Birthday!

This past weekend we had Mason and Chloe's joint birthday party. Mason turned 3 on Wednesday of last week and Chloe is 1 tomorrow!!!

I seriously can't believe how quickly time is passing by. It was a year ago tonight that I was lying in bed having a hot chocolate, milk arrowroots and reading The Hunger Games, anxiously awaiting the next morning when we would get to meet our little girl. I remember my nervous excitement kept me awake all night! (Side note: I read the first hunger games book in the 3 days prior to going into hospital to have Chloe. I started the second book in hospital and I finished it about 10 days ago!! Just to give you an idea of the kind of spare time I have now with 2 babies!)

We decided to have a photographer present at Chloe's birth after a friend who was pregnant at the same time as me recommended someone who she was going to be using. At the time it sounded a little out there I'll admit, but I went with it and now I am so grateful that we did. I only wish that I would have known to do this when Mason was born. It is a lot of still shots of before the birth, during and after. All done tastefully, I promise. It is so special to us now and I so look forward to showing Chloe when she gets older. If you would like to watch the video you can find it here Chloe's Birth.

So, on the weekend we celebrated with a joint Baby Girl/Golf Party (Yes, my 3 year old is a mad obsessed golfer!) In the morning before the party started our wonderful friend Luci took Mason to play golf with his new golf clubs (His big birthday present!). He had the best time and that night when I was putting him to sleep he proudly told me "Luci's my friend". So cute!

After Mason got home our families and a couple of close friends started to arrive for a barbecue and some cake!

We also added a new member to the family... a hermit crab called 'Robot'.

I made a pink cake for Chloe and a golf cake for Mason...

What an amazing year it has been! Not going to lie, those first 9 months were tough, but all well and truly worth it!!! I love watching them play together now that Chloe is a bit older. They have the best fun and spend so much time laughing. This is them cracking each other up in the bath after their party.

I am so grateful for my beautiful family :-)

Sophia xo

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