A few months ago I stumbled upon a blog called
The Daily Love. The main component is written by
Mastin Kipp who started the blog a few years ago. It has since grown quite a large following to say the least! To be honest, a lot of the time the content goes a little too far into the self help arena for me, but occasionally if I am in the mood I do open the email and have a skim of the topic for that day. Last Wednesday was one of those days. I started reading Mastin's blog titled 'Why you're not getting what you want!' (read
here) and I thought it made a lot of sense and really broke down the process of why some people achieve their goals and others don't.
In a nutshell:
We all have desires, thoughts and actions which affect our results either positively or negatively. So, if you have the desire to be fit and healthy, but your thoughts are that it is too hard or you don't have time then you are unlikely to follow through with the action that it takes to achieve your goal. Furthermore, if you have the desire to be fit and healthy and your thoughts are on track (In other words, you know your goal is achievable, you are planning your healthy meals and your workouts etc) but for whatever reason you aren't following your plans through with action, then you aren't going to achieve your goal either. In order to turn a desire into a reality you need to ensure your desires, thoughts and actions are all in alignment. Sounds super duper simple, I know, but for some reason I appreciated having it broken down like that. It made me think "umm dah! If I want something, why would I keep telling myself I can't do it or not following through with what I need to do to make it happen?!".
We humans are odd creatures. We can look at ourselves in the mirror one minute and point out all the things we don't like about ourselves and then the next minute carry on with our day either doing nothing about it or actually doing things that are only going to make those things we already don't like about ourselves worse (For example, feeling bad about our weight in the morning and then spending the day eating unhealthy and being sedentary. I know I have done that a million times before!!) What the?! We tell ourselves we can't do anything about it or we don't have the time, the money, it's just too hard, or a onslaught of other excuses. Why? Why not just accept our desire, accept that we can do it and then actually do it?? So much less heartache in the long run I imagine! But as I said, we are an odd bunch and I don't expect to get to the bottom of that question today that is for sure...
Perhaps if we take the time to think about what our desires are and whether our thoughts and actions are truly in line with them, then we might find ourselves making different choices?
Worth a shot i say...
Sophia xo